Collaborate with Evan Poon & Alisa Poon
Audio Credit to Evan Poon & Xiaorui Huang
- “Evan's Portrait Documentary” (2021) is an art therapy collaboration with autistic kids. The goal of this project is to encourage autistic children to openly express their thoughts about and through art.
- “Evan's Portrait Documentary (2021)” is a collaborative painting with an autistic kid. It is an ‘action’ stemming from reading the book “Critique of Pure Reason” by Immanuel Kant. This work aims to prove that autistic kids can openly express themselves through art practice. This project is designed to raise the world's attention to the conditions children face and encourage them to show what they can be and do.
- “Evan's Portrait Documentary (2021)” is a collaborative painting with an autistic kid. It is an ‘action’ stemming from reading the book “Critique of Pure Reason” by Immanuel Kant. This work aims to prove that autistic kids can openly express themselves through art practice. This project is designed to raise the world's attention to the conditions children face and encourage them to show what they can be and do.
Dimensions: 53'' * 80''